How To Find Yoga Instructor Jobs When
You Are Just Starting Out

Often times in order to find yoga instructor jobs you need to be creative especially when you are just starting out.  Who’s going to hire you if you don’t have experience?  What if the market is already saturated with teachers?  Where I live it’s pretty competitive because yoga has been quite popular for some time now.  Sure there’s a huge demand for yoga where I live but there’s quite a few people going through their teacher training to become a yoga instructor.  On the contrast, other areas yoga has not caught on for demographical reasons or there’s not a lot places to practice. 

So how exactly are you going to find teaching opportunities?

Change where you look for employment

When I’m looking for a new corporate job I’ll look online a big employment sites such as Workopolis or Monster.  That rarely works for yoga instructor jobs.  Instead think small.  Turn to kijiji, craiglist list or local online listings for job postings.  Most yoga studios or small businesses will post job openings there.  Another way to search for yoga instructor jobs online is to do either a google search or through the search engine indeed.  Make sure you get specific by using keywords such as “yoga instructor jobs in Oakville” or “pre-nadal instructor jobs, Ontario”.  Indeed is really great because it will even link you to postings connected to the application.

Sign Up For Yoga Studios and Fitness Centre Newsletters

What are the yoga studios doing in your area?  I keep myself in the loop by reading every newsletter that is sent to me.  Are they adding new classes or workshops?  What type of yoga are they teaching?  Studios that are just starting are more likely hiring new teachers.  Check out their website and see if you can apply directly.

Get Creative By Going Old Fashion With Your Job Search

Did you know that I found a teaching posing on a bulletin board?  Mind you it was not a yoga studio, it was for a health/wellness centre.  Don’t forget there are opportunities for employment outside of studios.

Word of mouth is another good way.  Do you have friends who are yoga instructors or work in the health field?  Let them know you are looking for teaching opportunities and to keep their eyes open.  Another teacher might need you to cover their shifts once in a while.  Before I landed my first steady teaching position I sub for a friend’s class.

Take Yourself Seriously

Setup a website showcasing your teaching and your yoga biography.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.  You can sign up for a free through wordpress here.  For a small nominal fee you can get your own domain name (which I personally think is more professional).  I would even go as far as to get business cards.  You can get cheap but professional looking business cards through vista print or a local business store.  Makes sure you keep them in your wallet.  You’ll be surprised how many times people ask me for a card when I least expect it because they know someone who’s looking for a yoga teacher.

Still Cannot Find Yoga Instructor Jobs?

When I first started out I created my own and volunteer at cancer wellness centres for experience.  If you are serious about a career as a yoga teacher either part-time or full-time keep teaching no matter want.  Look for additional training opportunities to become a stronger teacher.  That way when the right opportunity comes its way you are going to knock their socks off.

The Reality of Yoga Instructor Jobs