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Create Your Own Success Quotes JournalA success quotes journal is instant motivation at your finger tips. I got the idea a couple of years ago at the peak of my interest in reading anything and everything pertaining to personal development and becoming successful. A lot of the books I was reading had some really great success quotes and I wanted to put them in a place where I could easily reference them. Hence, this idea was born. Getting Started It does not have to be fancy. I purchased a hard cover black note book but anything will do. You want to pick something that will suit your purpose. I chose a hard cover book so it would not get ripped or damaged in my big bag I take everywhere. You may want something smaller that you can put in your purse or your pocket. I also picked something with thicker pages so I could easily write on both sides and attached notes if I wanted to. ![]() Where to Look If you are a reader, especially with personal development books, you should have no problem finding an abundance of quotes. In fact, I usually find the best quotes when I’m not even looking. Card and gift shops such as Hallmark are full of motivational quotes and inspiration. You can also purchase or borrow from the library books on this topic. For example, the book The Secret had a ton of great quotes. Although I own a copy of the book, I wrote only my favourite quotes from the book in my success quotes journal. Another great resource is Success Magazine (refer to Motivation to Achieve section for more information) which features quotes from some of the most successful people of our time. Do not Limit Resources to Just Books Read interviews of successful people you admire and listen to what they have to say. Write down in your journal the things you like. Right now I read a lot about people who have created their own websites that earn profit since it’s something I’m really interested in, which in turn, I will write in my journal some of their tips. Also, there are some really great email forwards that I read that are full of motivating stuff and short stories that make you feel good. I’ll print those out and paste them to a page. I also keep emails or notes people have written to me comment on something positive I did or what they admire about me. Be creative as you want to be and have fun with it. The whole idea of a success quotes journal is to have it easily accessible so you can refer to it whenever you need some extra motivation and inspiration. It is especially great when you hit a road block with a plan and feel frustrated because of it. This journal will guarantee to lift you spirits and put you back on track. Moreover, they make great gifts too. I once start a journal for a close friend that was looking to get on a health kick. I filled the first couple of pages with motivational quotes and tips on exercise and eating healthy.
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